Here is another order I needed to finish before Christmas. The request: A fourth of July watchband! I guess the recipient has begun to collect holiday watchbands. Making it sure made me ready for parades and fireworks and the warmth of Summer!
A lil' bit of design and a lil' bit of life. After all, aren't we all diamonds in the rough?
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Blackberry Jam and 4th of July in December
My niece emailed me the other day to have me make her favorite Junkyard bracelet for her best friend this Christmas. She said purple was her favorite color. So, I picked my favorite mix. Blackberry Jam. A little black, purple and white, add some silver to the mix and it is the perfect recipe for something fun and cute. Here is my set up. This with a little TNT.TV on the computer and I am set!
Yes, my ring is off. It is stinkin' cold in this room and it keeps flipping on me. buggy!
Blackberry Jam Junkyard! And the clasp reads, "The Moment is Now".
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Family Party on Sunday-Sneak peak- bring your strechy pants!
All of the food assignments have been made for our family party on Sunday and I resolved (on advice) not to worry about any cooking, but to concentrate on just providing the home for it.
Need I remind you, I have six kids!! Doing that is a task - like shoveling in a snowstorm! But I love to take on that kind of challenge. Not because I love to clean...heavens no! But because my children seem to be able to step it up more when there is promise of company in the near future. One day, I had given a couple of my younger children the task of washing walls. They did it my surprise. Then one of them asked me, "When will Uncle Kirk be here?" So... bring on the company!!!
Well, for anyone that knows me well, knows I would rather cook then clean. And cleaning the kitchen is only a necessity to begin the next cooking adventure.
Now, I am by no means a food blogger. For one reason, I would never be able to hold off the animals long enough to take a picture of our food. I have actually have tried. But I do stalk food bloggers on a daily basis though. One of my absolute favorites is... And this is one of the reasons why... (I stole this picture from her.)
I was going to stick to my no cooking anything policy....
But then this came along. Chocolate Cookie Dough Dip. Where have you been hiding?
Who am I kidding? I love cooking! Especially, for family, friends and strangers, it brings me joy!
Now please help me decide what to dip in this besides a spoon!!!
Need I remind you, I have six kids!! Doing that is a task - like shoveling in a snowstorm! But I love to take on that kind of challenge. Not because I love to clean...heavens no! But because my children seem to be able to step it up more when there is promise of company in the near future. One day, I had given a couple of my younger children the task of washing walls. They did it my surprise. Then one of them asked me, "When will Uncle Kirk be here?" So... bring on the company!!!
Well, for anyone that knows me well, knows I would rather cook then clean. And cleaning the kitchen is only a necessity to begin the next cooking adventure.
Now, I am by no means a food blogger. For one reason, I would never be able to hold off the animals long enough to take a picture of our food. I have actually have tried. But I do stalk food bloggers on a daily basis though. One of my absolute favorites is... And this is one of the reasons why... (I stole this picture from her.)

But then this came along. Chocolate Cookie Dough Dip. Where have you been hiding?
Who am I kidding? I love cooking! Especially, for family, friends and strangers, it brings me joy!
Now please help me decide what to dip in this besides a spoon!!!
Friday, December 10, 2010
Temperance -Naughty or Nice? or Bad Mommy
So, after having my six kids and having babysat many preschoolers while my first ones were small...I dreamed of the day when I would just have 1 or 2 kids at home during the day. Just think of all the housework I could get done!
Well, many years later and many years that I gave up personal fun like scrapbooking, etc. The day arrived when, at last...1 child at home! Whoopee!!! Happy - Happy - Joy - Joy!!!
I am not sure if anyone ever told me or I just didn't listen to them but having one at home is no picnic! I am her only source of conversation and entertainment! Do you know how long and high pitched a 3 year old can talk?
Here is where I make my point. All day today, said 3 year old, nagged me. "Mom,..can you.. ?Mom, ...can you? Mom...can you..?" Finally, the last straw. "Mom, can you get me a glass of milk?" Simple, right. Not after - I have been at her beckon call all morning. I answered after her 3rd request. "No. I am working." (Sounds mean now.) "I will not get you a drink right now." Silence. Quiet......long pause...... "Mom...I'm going to tell Santa."
What comes around, goes around....Looks like I am getting coal for Christmas.
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Crazy Coupon Mommy
I subscribe to a few giveaway sight like Frugal Girls and such. Oh how I wish I could win SOMETHING! Anything! How fun would that be?
So, I just discovered Crazy Coupon Mommy on Facebook. They posted a giveaway for a backyard bouncer. And I must admit, there are some cool ones. My house would be the life of the neighborhood!
See for yourself. Go to: http://www.deals4dummies/2010/12/bouncehouse/
So, I just discovered Crazy Coupon Mommy on Facebook. They posted a giveaway for a backyard bouncer. And I must admit, there are some cool ones. My house would be the life of the neighborhood!
See for yourself. Go to: http://www.deals4dummies/2010/12/bouncehouse/

Friday, December 3, 2010
Chaos!! But pretty things come out of Chaos!
So, this is what my craftroom/workout room look like right now!
After my 3 day binge of making jewelry for the Annual Neighborhood Boutique. This is what my life looks like. Everything gets put on hold and before I know it I am scrouging around for underwear for my 3 year old. Just calling like it is. I am no Martha!
And there is more. (That is my #2's pj pants in the bottom corner somehow this is a better room to change in when he is in a hurry for school and getting clothes from the laundry room.)
And there is more. (That is my #2's pj pants in the bottom corner somehow this is a better room to change in when he is in a hurry for school and getting clothes from the laundry room.)
2010 Annual Neighborhood Boutique
This is the result from all the chaos above.
I have a few things left over and plan on making plenty more. I have so many more projects up my sleeve. Just not enough time. So let me know if you see anything you like!

I have a few things left over and plan on making plenty more. I have so many more projects up my sleeve. Just not enough time. So let me know if you see anything you like!
These are what I call Bobbles. They go on the end of a chain necklace and are designed to switch out depending on your outfit. Above those are charms. They can go on your purse, keychain or cell phone. Bling it up!
The photo in the background is my grandparent/parent's wedding photo. One of my favorite pictures of them.
Bows, Bows and more Bows...
Friday, November 12, 2010
Impel Clothing
So years ago, I went to a party and bought a few impel t-shirts. I love them and I still where them. They have made a comeback with some really cute styles the one below is perfect for my steam punk necklace. I see a lot of vintage jewelry designs and product everywhere now so they are right on target! Check them out at

Friday, October 29, 2010
Watchband kits for Fall Relief Society
Sunday, September 5, 2010
Simplicity, Breathe and Listen...rules for me to live by.
The other night I was frustrated because the seedbead bracelet I was working on for a class was turning out to be not great class material- too challenging for me to see it correctly (15/o seed beads- aaghhh!) so I knew it would be that much more difficult to teach. As I sat looking for inspiration in our beading books, I came across a book that had this funky odds and ends for jewelry making. I loved the look of it! But we carried nothing like that....or so I thought!!!
I took a stroll over to the scrapbooking aisle and low and behold there were the "Idea-ology" by Tim Holtz! The scrapbooking manager was slowly bringing in the line. I grabbed what I could and got to work. I tried a new technique with alcohol inking. Pretty fun!
The tags are perfect for me. Simplicity, Breathe and Listen....I need to be reminded of that often! Too bad, when I wear this I can't see it! hmmm....matching bracelet?
Bobbles and Bangles (Fall)
I am sure a Bangle is not just an 80's band but also a bracelet that is worn by Indian women to signify matrimony. So I guess this is just Bobbles! Oops! It is one of my classes this month, and I am not changing the calendar now! This is the next popular thing to hit Utah since the WATCHBANDS!!!!! haha Seriously, they are so easy to make and that makes it fun! Sign up and have a girls night out! The Bead Shop at Ben Franklin: 801-444-1177!
Original Chains and Charms
This is a design I taught for only a couple of classes until they discontinued the beads and chain. :( So this is pretty much a one of a kind! But it did mutate into my second Chains and Charms which faired pretty well but will rest until Spring.
The Evolution of the Marshmallow
I we got these fun big pearls in the shop with the cute and fun matching vintage looking ones, I had to make this bracelet! It is a combo of beaded bracelet and charm bracelet. At that time, I decided it would be fun to name my jewelry. I must've been hungry because I named all my designs after food!! (Another passion of mine.) Well, it worked! People were curious and my classes to fill up to take the Marshmallow bracelet and Licorice necklace!

Well, you can't have Marshmallows without toasting them! The Toasted Marshmallow.
I retired the class for awhile and then this summer....The Firecracker!!
I feel kind of like a Harley girl with the wings on my Silver Marshmallow! Fall is coming, I am thinking we need an Autumn Marshmallow and then, of course, Candy Cane Marshmallow?
Well, you can't have Marshmallows without toasting them! The Toasted Marshmallow.
I retired the class for awhile and then this summer....The Firecracker!!
I feel kind of like a Harley girl with the wings on my Silver Marshmallow! Fall is coming, I am thinking we need an Autumn Marshmallow and then, of course, Candy Cane Marshmallow?
Bella on Steroids!!
Friday, September 3, 2010
The Bella!
This is one of my classes I teach at Ben Franklin. It is made with Swarovski Crystals and it is fast and fun to make! This one is a choker but I have made them into earrings and also another really large one with big crystals in a big dangling necklace. So pretty and perfect for any prom in any color!
Following in her mother's footsteps!
Custom Watchband orders: check!
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Teacher,s Pet or "Patient" RN lanyards
My older children (numbers 1, 2 and 3) are working on their own beading project. They are trying to earn money for sports and piano. In our school district, the teachers are required to wear a badge while they are at school (at least for the elementary schools).

Each lanyard/necklace is unique due to availability of beads they may never be alike! But, of course, they are all cute! I think the kids did a great job! This one above it called Ice Blue and the one below is Key Largo, this is one of my favorites. I love that I was able to find some larger shells for the Bobble that match the necklace!

So, we have come up with a few variety of lanyards that are adorable. But I do have a practical side. I like two-fers or even three-fers! So we made Bobble Toggles to wear with them when they are not used as a lanyard! Genius! I know! In fact, they are interchangeable so we will make some more neutral ones and extra Bobbles and Toggles to change them out. (If you are going blind like me some of these can be used as eyeglass holders....making them a 3-fer!!! woo hooo!!!)
They are selling them for $20 each or ....wait for it...."2 fer" $30!!!
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Southwest Fiesta Bracelet
Every now and then I get some custom orders and I forget to or don't have time to take a picture of their jewelry piece. I need to be better at doing that. All that work and then it is forgotten and I have to either rethink it for someone else or that is one less idea not in my portfolio.
Here is a piece I just finished for my neighbor's mom. She picked out most of the beads and handed it to me and said "make me a bracelet with this!" ha!
I think it turned out beautiful. I am so thankful for the challenge to design something and I would have never dreamed of using these beads together. I am so glad she trusts me!
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Chains and Charms Necklace "Spring/Summer"

Last week, Linda and her daughter, Marcy took
my Chains and Charms class. They were so
nice and very talented! I borrow these pics from her website! I can barely get pictures of my own! How sad is that? This is her finished Chains and Charms necklace she didn't waiver too much from my design. Marcy made one similar- more simple with ocean charms and deep purple beads. It turned out fun! I love this design and colors, it just makes me happy!
I am letting this class take a breather until September then I think I will make a Fall version of it. We have some leaf charms at Ben Franklin that would look great with Amber and brown beads or some more of that deep purple, Marcy used!
We have topped it off with one of my favorite toggles. A great reminder: "Life is Good"!
Here is Marcy and Linda's ebay store. Or check them out on Facebook.
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